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Pleasure to meet you! My name is Amy Chiu and I have been an early childhood educator for 16+ years, first as a teacher, then as a director of programs. Now I blog and deliver tailored professional development to those working in early education.

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My Story

I didn't always love young children. It wasn't a dislike by any means, but I just didn't notice them much.

Then I became a mom.


I suddenly became obsessed and wanted to know everything about early development. I was home with my baby for a few years. You could say it was a lab school of one and I was a devotee.


Since I was home I started taking classes in early childhood education, and when my daughter turned three and started preschool, so did I.


I started out as a teacher, and I taught for some years before going into school administration. Then I left preschool for a while and tried out a corporate job in the education sector, but my heart longed to be in preschool. So I returned as a director of an ECE program. A month later, the pandemic began and we were all in a for a wild and terrible ride.


It was hard for everyone, and schools were shutting down, some never to reopen. During that time I learned an awful lot. There were trials and errors, there was a heck of a lot of new stressors, and guess who kept me grounded?

The children. The teachers. The community.


When the world was opening up again I proposed and then led a workshop in Long Beach's Early Childhood Symposium. It was a workshop that I would later repeat at the OCAEYC annual conference and in other schools. It was wonderful to connect with educators in person again, and as I extolled the virtues of messy play I could tell it was resonating with many. Or it challenged people which led to lively and impassioned discussions. In any case, it caused people to reflect on their practice as teachers of young children. Constructive friction is a good thing.


My mind was brimming. Why not create more workshops and trainings from the perspective of a teacher, director, and parent? What if that was peppered with a dash of my Taiwanese heritage, through the lens of a Gen X (some say Xennial) parent with Gen Z kids, and an educator of Gen Alpha children? Through the years, I've honed in on the play-based approach and have been inspired by the tenets of Reggio Emilia and nature-based pedagogies, but I am a student in the grand scheme of things and I am hungry to learn. Not only that, I love to write as a self-reflective practice. 


Thank you for visiting and I hope you find something here that excites and challenges you.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


The work of play

Methodist Preschool - Pacific Palisades, CA

Amy Chiu is an incredible resource for Early Childhood Educators everywhere! She catered a professional development presentation to our staff highlighting our focus for the year: Agency and Responsibility. Her presentation was intentional, digestible, and interactive, and gave our teachers great insight and perspective. We highly recommended her expertise and services in any facet of the ECE world.
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